We believe ...

IN ONE GOD, who is the Almighty Father and Creator of all things.

IN JESUS CHRIST, the only Son of God, who is our Savior and our Lord.

IN THE HOLY SPIRIT, who is our Comforter.


THAT THE BIBLE is the holy, inspired word of God, and therefore the authority for our faith and practice. We believe in the central message of the Bible as it is summed up in the traditional confessions of faith: the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed.


IN ONE LORD, ONE FAITH, ONE BAPTISM AND ONE CHURCH. Christ is the head of the church; the church is His body. We follow the traditions and principles of the Protestant reformers, but we recognize as fellow Christians all who acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.


THAT ALL HUMANS ARE SINNERS and need forgiveness of their sins. Only God can give that forgiveness. We can never earn it or be good enough to deserve it. Only by grace through faith in Jesus Christ as Savior do people receive salvation: forgiveness of sins, power over evil, the filling of the Holy Sprit, and eternal life. Christians are assured of salvation and eternal life by asking Jesus to be their Savior and committing themselves to Him. This is the beginning of a new, on-going relationship with God and commitment for life.


THAT ALL BELIEVERS are part of the universal church. As such we are called to spread the love of God and share the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ for the work of God's kingdom. We are called to fellowship and worship with other Christians to glorify God and to continue to grow in our faith and support others in faith. A commitment of faith leads Christians to address social concerns in the community and the world for the work of God's kingdom.

Our mission

As a church, we believe our mission is:


To love God

We are a local body of Christ formed from many nations. We share a common language, English, and we seek to join together in cheerful celebration, praise, thanksgiving and worship out of the love we have for our God. (Matthew 22:37-40)


To love each other and share our life journey together

We are a family that strives to provide encouragement, acceptance and help, and shows true love through serving each other.

We share our life journey together, a church that meets for large group worship and small group discussion, with a cheerful, welcoming atmosphere where all are loved and accepted. (John 13:35, Galatians 6:10, 1 Thessalonians 3:12, Acts 2:46)


To grow in maturity

We hope to be a church that efficiently helps as many people as possible to find purpose and meaning for their lives and to grow in maturity in the faith. (Ephesians 4:11-13, Matthew 5:48, 2 Corinthians 3:18)

We will work to be a place that helps people discover their God given gifts, a place where everyone will be trained to use their gifts and will use their gifts for God’s glory. (Ephesians 4:11-12, Matthew 20:28, Philippians 1:25)


To bring help to those in need both near and far

We put our faith into action and let our light shine in our community through actively doing good works and helping people with the various needs they have. (Matthew 5:16)

We take an active role in helping to make the world a better place. (Ephesians 2:10, James 4:17)


To bring the Good News to the ends of the earth

We will bring the Good News to our community, Nagoya, Aichi and to the ends of the earth.

We will do our best to support and participate in ministries that reach as many people as we can, in as many ways as we can, in as many places as we can and as often as we can. (Acts 1:8, Matthew 28:19-20)

Our purpose

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Love your neighbor as yourself. (Mat 22:37, 39)

Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Sprit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. (Matt. 28:19-20)

Especially serving the English-speaking community.