(This is an edited text from the sermon that was preached by Michael Larsen on July 8, 2018.)
One of the things I pray every morning is for God’s presence and power to be with me. In a sense, because God’s Holy Spirit lives inside of every believer, God’s presence is always with us. But it’s possible for believers to go and do things by their own power, not relying on God. Because God’s presence and God’s power are two separate things. And as believers, we need both in order to live the Christian life.
Old Testament people of God didn’t have the Holy Spirit. So they had to have other ways of knowing that God’s presence was with them. After they escaped from Egypt, God showed his presence with a pillar of cloud and fire. Later Moses built a tent of meeting, and God’s presence was there. Eventually God had His people build a wooden box and cover it with gold. They called this box the ark of the covenant. The ark was a symbol of God’s presence among them and of his power on their behalf. They kept the ark in the Most Holy Place inside their place of worship. However, once in a while, the ark was taken from the tabernacle and marvelous things occurred wherever it was carried.
Unfortunately God’s people began to think of the ark as their actual God. It became for them an idol. Although God had chosen to work through the ark, the ark was only a symbol of his presence and power. God did not actually reside in the box and the box itself had no power. In a way it was a symbol of Jesus. Jesus as a human was a symbol of God’s presence and power.
I. The Sacrifices
Once a year the High Priest sprinkled the blood of a bull and a goat on the lid to make atonement with God for sin. The cover of the ark represented our need for a sacrifice of forgiveness in order to be reconciled to God. And Jesus fulfilled that sacrifice. But this was only the lid. The contents of the ark are where we find what we need to live as Christians.
II. Manna – the presence of God
Jesus clearly identified himself with the manna. The manna represented God’s presence in the form of the Holy Spirit, and created in them a desire to reach the Promised Land. Many Christians have the faith to get saved by Jesus, but not enough to trust Jesus to live through them each day by continual dependence on Him. So they consume the manna that is Christ but, because they don't seek Christ daily, they are left just as unsatisfied and defeated as the people in the wilderness. They never quite make it into the Promised Land of the victorious Christian life.
III. The Staff of Aaron
Along with the manna, the ark contained Aaron’s staff which had sprouted almonds. If manna represents the presence of God, then the staff represents the power of God. Whatever God has called you to do, if it is done by God’s power, there will be fruit. Like Aaron’s staff, there will be some sprouting, some budding, some blossoming, and some ripe fruits or nuts. You may not see any for many years. Like Jeremiah, you may not ever see the fruit at all. But rest assured, there will be fruit that pleases God when it is done by God’s guidance and in God’s power.
IV. The Law of God
The third item in the ark was the original item – the two stone tablets with the Ten Commandments written on them. I believe that the Ten Commandments serve two purposes. First, they were a basic introduction to God’s character. And second, they reveal our sin. Until you understand that the Christian life is impossible for you, you will continue to experience disappointment and discouragement. God is not trying to embarrass us or shame us with His Law. But God needs for us to face the truth about ourselves before He can help us. You have to honestly face the bad news before you can accept the good news.
When Christ is in us, then we too become an Ark of God. When Christ lives through us, we glorify God by growing in our resemblance to God’s character.