Three things God wants you to know

(The following is an excerpt from the sermon that was preached on July 22, 2018)

Text: Ephesians 1:18-23

People in Japan seem to love learning. They love learning stuff. The NHK broadcaster has an entire channel devoted just to learning. There are TV shows where you can learn to speak Spanish, learn to cook, learn to knit or do needlecraft. There are history shows and historical dramas that teach you all about what happened during the SENGOKU jidai or World War 2. This culture in Japan places so much value in knowledge. People believe that it’s really important to know stuff.

The reason why so many people want knowledge is obvious. Having knowledge brings so many benefits. Firstly, it’s fun. It’s fun knowing stuff. Your friend says to you, “It’s a pity that England didn’t make the finals in the World Cup this year.” And you say, “Yeah. They’ve only won the tournament once, in 1966, when they defeated West Germany 4-2.” It’s fun to know stuff like that.

But more importantly, knowledge can improve your life. If you know stuff related to your job, you can be successful in your career. If you know stuff about finance and investing, you can make a lot of money. If you know there’s a problem with your physical health, you can get treatment. If you don’t know there’s a small cancer just beginning in your stomach, then you won’t get it treated, and you’ll be in big trouble.

Knowledge can help make you healthier, wealthier, happier, and stronger. That’s why, in the book of Proverbs, Solomon writes,

“Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.” (Prov. 4:7).

But there are so many things to understand. You can’t know everything. You can’t even know 1% of everything. So you have decide. You need to make a decision. What are you going to learn? What things will do you the most good to know? What are the most worthwhile, the most beneficial, the most valuable things to know?

Well, the bible makes that very clear: the things of God. Having a knowledge of God is the most valuable kind of knowledge there is. Today, we’re going to look at three things that God wants you to know.

1. The hope to which he has called you

What is the hope to which you were called? Paul says specifically in Titus chapter 2.

"We wait for the blessed hope – the glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ." (Titus 2:13).

Jesus is going to come again. This is what people call the Second Coming of Christ. And that is the hope to which we were called. Perhaps this doesn’t sound as exciting when you first hear it. But just think about what that means. When Jesus comes again, the world will be put right. Everything will be made just as it’s supposed to be.

Because right now the world is not right. The world is so messed up. It is not right that little girls get dragged off by men and killed when they’re walking home from school. It’s not right that people suffer from terrible diseases that cause pain and suffering. It’s not right that heavy rain sweeps down from the mountains and puts whole villages under water. It’s not right that the people you work with who lie and cheat and steal and bully get promoted and move to the top. While the people you know who are kind and generous get taken advantage of. There should not be all these wars and fighting and people trying to hurt and kill each other.

When Jesus returns … When we see the glorious appearing of our Great God and Saviour Jesus Christ … all these things will be put right. That is the hope to which you were called.

2. The riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people

As a Christian, you have an inheritance that the Lord has prepared for you. What does that inheritance look like? Well, before we answer that question, let’s look at the inheritance that Jesus has. Jesus’ inheritance is described in Hebrews chapter 1.

"In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs."

Here are some things that we learn about Jesus’ inheritance. Firstly, he will inherit all things. All things. Everything in all creation. Every good and wonderful and joyous thing in the whole universe is Christ’s inheritance.

Secondly, he has inherited a name. A name that is far superior than all the angels in heaven. It is superior because it is a name filled with power and authority.

OK. So that is Jesus inheritance. But, what about you and me? I mean, Jesus was the son of God. He lived a perfect life. He died on a cross for our sins. Of course Jesus is going to get this amazing and wonderful inheritance. But what kind of inheritance will you and I, as Christians, be getting?

The same. You and I will share in the same inheritance that Jesus will get. 

"The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory." (Romans 8:16-17).

We are heirs with Christ. If we share in his sufferings, then we also share in his glory. And we all share in his sufferings. Just living your life every day, you share the same things that Christ suffered. The bible makes it perfectly clear that when you seek to follow Christ, life will be tough. You share in his sufferings. And you will also share in his inheritance.

3. His incomparably great power for us who believe

The great, almighty power of God is available for us who believe. This power is incomparable with anything else. What can you compare God’s power to? What even comes close?

Sometimes we feel so powerless. Right? We feel that there are these big and strong forces in our life that push us around.

Like your boss at work. He’s in charge of making the work roster, and he keeps giving you the worst times to work. And you feel like there’s nothing you can do about it. Or you’ve got some physical problem. Pain or migraines or something like that. And you feel powerless to stop them. It’s like they have control over your life.

Or maybe you’ve felt powerless in the face of natural disasters. There were so many people around Hiroshima a couple of weeks ago, standing on top of their roofs. They must have felt really powerless, as they watched the raging floods wash away everything from inside their homes.

You may be tempted to feel powerless in the face of such things. But in reality, there is a mighty power at work inside you.  And that power is available for us who believe.